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For those of you returning, you know that I’m occasionally guilty of bragging about my incredible associates! Krystal Davis is just one of those associates that you might be interested in meeting. She’s changing the way her clients think about their addictions and/or disorders and this is resulting in dramatically changed lives!
Krystal Davis is a licensed counselor and certified addictions therapist. Krystal has a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and is one of the outstanding counselors you will find here at Susan Berlin and Associates in DC.
Krystal’s private practice provides addiction and recovery therapy. Her practice also includes working with sufferers of anxiety, eating disorders, trauma and depression.
Krystal is passionate about providing her clients with an atmosphere which is safe and compassionate. Helping her clients reconnect to their “authentic” self is a major part of the therapy that she offers. Krystal believes that allowing your authentic self to be a driving force in your life can lead to a deeper understanding of self and can lead to a profoundly fulfilling life.
Krystal is committed to helping her clients by uncovering their core strengths. Recovery is just the start. She helps her clients learn how to improve their coping skills, while tuning in to what might be the major contributing causes of their addiction. Krystal’s mission is to help unlock her client’s true potential and lead them to a life they previously only dreamed of living.
To review Krystal’s credentials, visit www.susanberlinandassociates.com. You can also contact Krystal Davis at 202-333-1787.